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Unisom includes the following ingredients diphenhydramine hydrochloride, glycerin, glycol, sorbitol, and titanium dioxide.

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Unisom definitely made me fall asleepIt took about an hour to work and by then I couldn’t keep my eyes openI slept all nightI woke up at 11 amAnd I normally wake up by 7 ishI only take this on weekends when I don’t have to be up earlyI have taken this and it was extremely hard for me to wake up for work in the morningI almost felt hungover when I tried to wake up earlyBottom lineit will definitely put me to sleep but I can only take it when I don’t have to wake up early

Do not take more medication than recommended or take it more often without consulting your doctorYour dosage is based on your agemedical conditionand response to therapy.

Talk to your doctor before taking Unisom SleepTabs if youHave high blood pressure Have problems with pressure in your eyesglaucomaHave asthma or COPD or problems breathing Have stomach or intestinal problems including ulcers or blockages Have trouble urinating Have thyroid disease.

You should avoid or limit alcohol consumption while taking Unisom SleepTabs.

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