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No formal studies have evaluated the effect of renal disease on the disposition of progesteroneSince progesterone metabolites are eliminated mainly by the kidneysPROMETRIUM Capsules should be used with caution and only with careful monitoring in patients with renal dysfunctionsee PRECAUTIONS
The following additional adverse experiences have been observed in women taking progestins in generalbreakthrough bleedingspottingchange in menstrual flowamenorrheachanges in weightincrease or decreasechanges in the cervical squamo-columnar junction and cervical secretionscholestatic jaundiceanaphylactoid reactions and anaphylaxisrashallergicwith and without pruritusmelasma or chloasmapyrexiaand insomnia.
Progesterone is a type of female hormoneprogestinThis medication is similar to the progesterone that your body naturally makes and is given to replace the hormone when your body is not making enough of itIn women who are not pregnant and not going through menopausethis medication is used to restore normal menstrual periods that have stopped for several monthsamenorrhea
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No formal studies have evaluated the effect of renal disease on the disposition of progesteroneSince progesterone metabolites are eliminated mainly by the kidneysPROMETRIUM Capsules should be used with caution and only with careful monitoring in patients with renal dysfunctionsee PRECAUTIONS
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