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This program should aim to a provide a fun purim activity appropriate for preteens or teens b keep kids off the street on a night where alcohol is easily accessible, and c provide a safe space for teenagers to hang out with each other and the synagogue s rabbinic and programmatic staff, fostering a sense of community and belonging.

Information about Purim.
Put a dollop of filling in the middle of each circleFold up the sides to make a trianglefolding the last corner under the starting pointso that each side has corner that folds over and a corner that folds undersee picture at rightFolding in thispinwheelstyle will reduce the likelihood that the last side will fall open while cookingspilling out the fillingIt also tends to make a better triangle shape.
The Jewish festival of Purim is an explosion of funfood and fancy dressuniting the community every year around the start of March.
Purim is one of the most joyous and fun holidays on the Jewish calendarIt commemorates a time when the Jewish people living in Persia were saved from extermination.
Haman was defeated by Queen Estherwho took a stand for her people and saved them from persecution.
This is a sugar cookie-style recipewhich is a common homemade styleIn stores or at synagoguesyou will often see a biggermore yeasty stylebut I don’t have a recipe for that.
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purim is celebrated on adar 14 because the jews in unwalled cities fought their enemies on adar 13 and rested the following day.