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Bacopa extract is POSSIBLY SAFE for adults when taken by mouth appropriately and short-termup to 12 weeksCommon side effects include increased bowel movementsstomach crampsnauseadry mouthand fatigue.
Some of these drying medications include atropinescopolaminesome medications used for allergiesantihistaminesand some medications used for depressionantidepressants
Brahmi is used for Alzheimer’s diseaseimproving memoryanxietyattention deficit-hyperactivity disorderADHDallergic conditionsirritable bowel syndromeand as a general tonic to fight stress.
Information regarding safety and efficacy in pregnancy and lactation is lacking.
Irritable bowel syndromeIBSBacopa appears to be no more effective than a sugar pill in keeping IBS symptoms from returning after remission.
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